

“Not only does Jamie live and breathe Womb Wisdom, her sheer presence, power and radiance inspire me and others (as I’ve seen) to dive deeper into our full innate potential as a Woman. In her workshops, circles and courses, Jamie shows up confidently, she speaks from experience, from passionate research, experiential studies, and most importantly, she opens herself up to a divine portal of wisdom to come forth and makes sure we know it’s available to all of us. Her generous and loving nature sincerely offers all the tools she knows to anyone who’s interested in understanding, trusting and using our feminine bodies as a wise sage leading our lives in the highest possible way.”



“Jamie’s wisdom, grace, eloquence, kindness and passion are beyond words. She is truly the embodiment of Divine Feminine and is here to help us remember, reconnect, and re-learn the importance of being a woman, the importance of our bodies, and the knowledge we have within us.”



“Jamie Kagianaris is revolutionizing the way women view themselves with her Period Love Work. She is de-coding and re-instating the knowledge we may have forgotten in order to deepen our relationship to our own creative, life-giving bodies. Her work is a gift based upon personal experience and an awakening of innate wisdom granted to her through her own womb that is now being translated for us to research how we can best listen to our own bodies. They are loud. They have a lot to say. Jamie helps us remember how to listen.”



“I am grateful that Jamie is having the conversations we need to be having. Jamie has been instrumental in helping me change the conversation around menstruation in my house full of teenage daughters. They have learned to embrace their cycles and listen to what their bodies need. It has been a game-changer. For me, my one on one sessions with Jamie were enlightening and inspiring. I feel more connected to my body and my womb. Jamie guided me home and gave me the opportunity and tools to know that the wisdom has been with me all along.”


Dr. Kim D'Eramo

“Jamie has not only intensely studied and researched the world of women’s Wisdom for decades, she has lived it in every level of her life. After mastering her own inner journey as a woman, opening to the fullness of her own guidance and flow, she shares from this space of profound Wisdom. This allows a Truth to emerge that will open millions of women to their Power!”

Dr. Kim D’Eramo

Founder of the American Institute of Mind Body Medicine

Dr. Kim D'Eramo